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Weslaco is home to 3 nature parks!
Estero Llano Grande State Park
3301 S International Blvd FM 1015, Weslaco TX, 78596
Open M-T 8AM-4:30PM & W-S 8AM-5PM
Valley Nature Center
301 S Border Ave, Weslaco, TX 78596
Open M-F 9AM-4PM & Saturday 8AM-3PM
Frontera Audubon
1101 S Texas Blvd, Weslaco, TX 78596
Open T-SAT 8AM-4PM
Founded in 1919 Weslaco is full of History!
Historical Timeline
The City of Weslaco was founded by Ed C. Couch and R.L Reeves in September of 1919. Shortly after in December 1919, the two held an auction for residential and business land ranging from $50 to $400 per lot. By today’s standards, that’s about $748 to $6,229.
At the start of 1920, the city offices and the first store, “The Peoples Store,” by the S.M Mattar family were established. Just one year later, the Weslaco Independent School District was formed. In 1923, the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Center was established. In 1926 the Beautification Committee was formed; they were responsible for purchasing the first of many palm trees down Texas Boulevard.
On New Year’s Eve 1928, The Cortez Hotel opened its doors with a banquet and dance. In 1932, the Texsun and Tex Maid companies started production. At the time, the Texsun juice plant was the largest orange juice plant in the world!
On October 21, 1935, the official charter for the Weslaco Area Chamber of Commerce was filed. The founding directors were C.L. Skaggs, T.G. Cressner, J.M. Sewell, L.M. Burton, Sam R. Weems, Everett Knapp, Judson Friday, J.J. Poinbeouf & Grant Montgomery.